COVID-19 Statement
Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic Camberwell Arts have made the decision to present our first-ever online festival this June.
With no way of knowing when social distancing measures will be lifted, we do not want to commit our limited financial resources to infrastructure costs for an event that may have to be cancelled.
We prefer to make these finances available to artists now, providing support at a time when so many are experiencing difficulties as exhibitions, events and performances are cancelled, project plans postponed and studios off-limits during lockdown.
We are therefore offering a series of grants to assist artists at this difficult time - and to support them in reaching online audiences while their usual exhibition and performance opportunities are unavailable.
We’ll also be updating our own online content to give local residents access a wide range of cultural resources during the COVID-19 emergency – as well as encouraging everyone to take part in creative activities during the lockdown. This will include:
Camberwell Artist Directory: showcasing the many great artists who live and work in SE5
Camberwell Arts Archive: celebrating our favourite festival artworks from the last 25 years
#A-ZofCamberwell: daily art prompts encouraging everyone to get creative during these unprecedented times of social isolation
Watch this space as we add new content that we hope you’ll find of interest. In the meantime, please send us your own ideas, artworks and stories to share online as part of our first online Camberwell Arts Festival, available at this website from 13 – 21 June 2020.
We wish everyone well during these difficult times.
The Camberwell Arts team