Reely and Truly

Director - Tyrone Lebon
Run Time - 29 mins

Reely and Truly’ is a documentary by Tyrone Lebon. The 30-minute film is an visual poem on contemporary photographers and their practices.

This film is part of the ongoing ‘Reely and Truly’ project which will culminate in a book of photographs, texts and films about the practice of over 30 contemporary photographers to be published by DoBeDo. This 30 minute film is an extended trailer for that project. It was shot on all available celluloid formats including 65mm, 35mm, super 16mm, 16mm, and super 8mm.

Featuring (in order of appearance): Mark Lebon, Dick Jewell, Juergen Teller, Jack Webb, Sean Vegezzi, Jason Evans, Nigel Shafran, Fumiko Imano, Charchakaj Waikawee, Lina Scheynius, Nobuyoshi Araki, Takashi Homma, Ari Marcopoulos, Jill Freedman, Nick Sethi, Asger Carlsen, Arne Svenson, Petra Collins, Tim Barber, Renee Cox, Mario Sorrenti, and Lele Saveri.

The book is available for pre-order at

Follow Tyrone Lebon - Vimeo | Website

Note this film includes mature content which may not be suitable for all viewers. 18+ advised


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