The Camberwell Beauty– A playwriting challenge

Write a conversation between two people about The Camberwell Beauty Butterly!

In 1748, a butterfly was discovered in Camberwell’s Coldharbour Lane and named the Camberwell Beauty. Write a short conversation between two Camberwell residents in any time period about a new butterfly being discovered.

When you write a play, you start by getting your characters to have a conversation. This is called dialogue and it is a very important part of writing a play. We will also see the characters carry out actions during the dialogue, for example, they might drop a glass of water, or jump over a hedge.

You might like to describe the butterfly, give it an amazing name, or talk about where it was found. Maybe the characters are butterfly experts, artists, or some passers-by, who think butterflies are beautiful. Send your Camberwell Beauty Dialogue to Camberwell Arts!

Example Dialogue


AMIR and MAYA are cycling in Camberwell Green.

AMIR: Hey, did you see that?

AMIR leaps off his bike.

MAYA: What?

AMIR: That flash of red over there! I think it was a butterfly.

They pull over and wheel their bikes onto the Green.

MAYA: Where?

AMIR: By that tree!

MAYA: Wow, I see it!

AMIR: It’s got purple and white spots on it!

MAYA: I’m going to google what it is.

AMIR: I bet it flew here from somewhere far away.

MAYA: Nothing’s coming up for red butterfly with purple and white spots!

AMIR: What are you so excited about?

MAYA: If it’s not online, then we discovered a new species of butterfly!

AMIR: You’re not joking, are you?

MAYA: No. Right, I’m googling the number for the Natural History Museum – they’ll tell us what to do next!

AMIR: We’ll be famous!

MAYA: It’s dialling!

The butterfly flies off.

AMIR: It’s leaving!

MAYA: NO! What should we do?

AMIR: I don’t know!

AMIR and MAYA run after the butterfly, but it flies high in the air. They give up after a while.

 MAYA: I was so looking forward to being famous.


Exercises written by Emma Dawson. Emma Dawson is a playwright who also works at Southbank Centre. Her short plays have been staged at Theatre503, Battersea Arts Centre, and Pleasance Theatre. She's currently working on a full-length play about explosions, ASMR, and porcelain. 

Camberwell Arts

The UK's oldest visual arts festival taking place in June each year. Founded 1994


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