Little Star

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Moon on a Stick presents Little Star@Home, a digital adaptation of their show for ages 0 -2!

Join Little Star as she swings from shooting stars, slides down crescent moons and bounces on fluffy clouds. Using puppetry, music and captivating visuals to delight our young audience, Moon on a Stick lead you through the show so you can join in with all the interaction at home.

Little Star features the popular song ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’, taking us on a journey with the star herself. Little Star wants to explore space. Not content with the same spot in the sky, she wants to see, hear and touch everything!

Little Star@Home is available every Monday for 7 days or for 3 weeks if you purchase the at home props set. Click here for more information and to purchase next Monday’s show.

Camberwell Arts

The UK's oldest visual arts festival taking place in June each year. Founded 1994


The Story of Claudia Jones


Podcast - Guided Walks of Camberwell