Camberwell Choiroke

Come if you love to sing; come if you think you can't.  Artist Sarah Doyle and composer Jordan Theis present a cocktail of Camberwell music hall classics, community sing-a-long and animated visuals for our opening night. 

Join host Elsie Treacle for an informal zoom rehearsal, centred around That Mesmerising Mendelssohn Tune.  Irving Berlin’s popular ragtime song was inspired by Mendelssohn’s piano piece, Spring Song, which he composed whilst visiting Camberwell in 1842.  His original name for the piece? Camberwell Green. /

Watch the Camberwell Choiroke live stream video

Take Part

Jordan and Sarah are inviting singers from Camberwell and beyond to create the soundtrack for this animation.  Whether you sing in a choir, in the shower, or haven't sung for years, we'd love you to record your own version of the song.  To get you started Sarah has created a lyrics video of the 1910 recording by Collins and Harlan to hear the tune and to practice singing along to:

(don't have the file for this but there's a link on

You can download the score and audio files from - choosing whether you want to sing Soprano, Alto, Tenor or Bass.  Please listen to the backing track in your headphones and sing along, recording your voice only (and if you prefer to sing without backing vocals look for the midi file in 'recording parts').  Then send your file to by Friday 19th June to be included in this community recording.

Don't worry if your attempt isn't brilliant or 100% clear - we'll be able to iron out many things in the editing process.  The most important thing is to join in, have fun and enjoy the final result at our Zoom festival closing party on Sunday 21st June at 6pm.

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Camberwell Arts

The UK's oldest visual arts festival taking place in June each year. Founded 1994


Camberwell Cat Show


Cut-Out Collage with Gabriela Szulman