Andrew Cadey

Andrew Cadey’s interest in freehand drawing is symbiotic with his career as an architect.
His eye leads him towards the sometimes incidental relationships between building styles, the small but fascinating details of taste, utility, composition and scale, the quirks of adaption and change that have occurred over a life of a building.
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Artist Statement
Cadey’s style has quickly evolved towards a stylistic preference for face-on architectural vignettes that interpret the everyday and often overlooked built environment, creating order out of the chaos or humour from the mundane.
A majority of the illustrations are predominantly within his locality, however on his travels I am always on the look out for buildings further afield that say something to him.
Originally from a small village in Sussex, Cadey studied architecture in both Brighton and Edinburgh. He’s married to a Costume Designer, David Wolfe and they live in a 1930’s art deco apartment block near Camberwell, South London. Alongside being an illustrator, Cadey co-runs an architectural design practice in Peckham.