War of Words

War of Words is an energizing, controversial and inspiring feature documentary that lifts the lid on the fascinating UK Battle Rap scene.

Screening @ 8PM followed by live stream chat with Director Tom Worth & cast
Run time 60 mins + 60 mins in-conversation

The documentary is an examination of an exciting subculture of youth in the UK today; their creativity and work ethic, their passion for language and ability to control their own destiny.

It investigates freedom of expression and respect for other cultures and lifestyles. While the language is often harsh and unflinching, the 'anything goes' philosophy of the battle arena results in one of the most harmonious and creative scenes in youth culture. The film is a truly entertaining expose on how the UK has embraced this American art form, creating one of the most exciting youth subcultures happening right now.

Watch War of Words on Amazon Prime on Demand from £2.49

Note: Contains language that may not be suitable for all viewers. 18+ advised

Watch War of Words In Conversation with Director Tom Worth


Camberwell Arts

The UK's oldest visual arts festival taking place in June each year. Founded 1994


The Story of Sam King with Live Intro by Joyce Fraser and Pastor Michael King


26 Objects