Animated Alphabet
Enjoy a Camberwell-themed alphabet inspired by magic lantern slides, tales and trickery. Long before the invention of film, magic lanternists created the first moving images and travelled from town to town, bringing images and stories of extraordinary adventures and far off lands. With people once again unable to travel far, Art of the Magic Lantern brings a little bit of this escapism into your homes.
William Blake would take lengthy strolls around South London. He came to escape the city and in the 18th Century this area was hills and pastures. Here he had many visions of angel and prophets which inspired his writing and artwork.… And who knows, maybe the “Tyger Tyger” is the pub by the Green?
Alas, the Camberwell Beauty no longer survives in urban Camberwell, but behold dear viewer, we have replaced it with this marvellous mechanical ver sion! Behold the Clockwork Camberwell Beauty!
Camberwell offer a considerable choice of classy coffee chains (with corners to nurse hangovers like this poor chap)
Some believe the gates to hell were on Orpheus Street and that Morrison’s car park was built over them to stop more dastardly daemons escaping.
Edwardes Cycles
Edwardes Bicycle Shop in Camberwell opened in 1908 sold the first modern-style Safety Bicycles in London. Here we see some local learning to ride their new acquisitions on the Green. Watch out!
“This is an invitation song to all the lad and lasses. Camberwell Fair I now declare, all others now surpasses”
Song, 1795.
For hundreds of years, Camberwell hosted an annual fair on the green. The fair attracted hordes of revellers from all over the city coming to enjoy food, drinks and entertainment and often lasted for days or even weeks.
Green Man
Here is have the ancient woodland spirit and emblem of fertility, the Green Man. Once Camberwell was rolling countryside and the Green man would have of-course lived on Camberwell Green.
Some say he still roams around, looking for his beloved Camberwell Beauty Butterfly.
Hermit’s Cave
The Hermit’s Cave is a popular local pub. This old boozer most likely derives its name from St. Giles’ Church, Giles was a revered hermit in Southern France.
Splendid isolation in Camberwell.
The Jungle Grill Café is on Camberwell Church Street. No animals but they do have coffee and sandwiches.
Kebab: With Chilli Sauce and Salad?
Many local works can be seen enjoying a picnic lunch on the Green during fair weather, but look out for birds!
No Magic Lanterns show would be complete without phantasmagoria.
This curious Camberwellian creature has been conjured especially for Camberwell Arts 2020.
N is for naughty nosey nonsense on Camberwell Green.
Both young and old, spruce and gay
The clown and beau’s invited
With rural scenes upon the Green
You are sure to be delighted
As well as bringing great attraction to the Green, Camberwell Fair also brought criminal and lewd behaviour and was closed in 1855
Night owls can be spotted catching the Night Bus at Camberwell Green
A pair of popular politician engage in some preposterous posturing.
Camberwell has has been home to some fine statesmen from Joseph Chamberlain to Harriet Harman… But which side will get your vote this time?
Queue: Who is queuing? Are they waiting for the Nightbus or stocking up on lockdown loo rolls?
From the reputable to the raucous, Camberwell offers a resplendent range eateries for the ravenous residents. Don’t forget your false teeth.
Sausage & Custard
Sausages were a popular treat at the Camberwell fair, as this 18th Century verse recounts
“Browsey Nan and here dripping pan
Has sausages to sell too
But each link she knew must stink
She garnished them with mustard
And some who eat them thought them as sweet
As tho’ they had eat a custard”
The Tiger Pub sit opposite Camberwell Green. Here we see two gentlemen getting into a bit of a scrape with a Tiger and an old beer cask
Here we see an urbane Camberwellian out for an urban undulation. He is not unprepared…
Variety Show
Camberwell Palace of Varieties was a famous music hall and Camberwell had a great reputation for live entertainment.
You can learn more about the Palace of Varieties and see animated recreation on our friend Sarah Doyle’s website
Well: The mythical Camberwell, has anyone seen it?
Here we see a local resident enjoying some plum pudding with a special guest (maybe he ordered take-way from the Jungle Grill Cafe?)
Camberwell Arts Festival is for all walks of life.
Zebra Crossing
Look out! Zebra crossing!