Staffan Gnosspelius


Artist Statement

Staffan is an artist that creates etching, woodcut, collograph-prints and a lot of drawings.

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More about the artist

Drawing is at the core of what Staffan does. Most of the time an idea starts off in the sketchbook. There it stays while it gets processed, redrawn, reshaped, scrutinized and eventually discarded or developed into a print or a project. He draws for pleasure. He doodles when he doesn’t know what to draw. He draws when things are hard. Then the act of drawing is like a release valve to take the pressure off. Drawing can create some great ideas, but it can also take one down a rabbit hole of a pretty rubbish idea.
Drawing and creating artwork is a way for Staffan to digest the world around him and the world inside him.

Takes Commissions

Camberwell Arts

The UK's oldest visual arts festival taking place in June each year. Founded 1994


Elaine Andresier - Herbal Moth Repellants


Frann Preston-Gannon