Gemma Luker - Ginger Doodles Designs

Artist Statement
Ginger Doodles Designs comprises of screen-printed illustrated accessories, prints and greetings cards that combine bold colour and typography in the designs.
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More about the artist
Having worked as an illustrator for several years creating illustrations for a range of publications, websites and children’s books, I finally decided designing for myself was a more creatively freeing option, and so Ginger Doodles Designs was born!
Combining my illustration skills and screen print methods, my designs feature bold colours and pun-tastic typography, mixed together with childhood nostalgia, aiming to raise a smile once the penny drops. Comprising of screen-printed illustrated accessories, prints and greetings cards, products range from tote bags to baby clothing. As they are all printed and made by hand, it makes each product totally unique.
My aim is to create products that have function as well as look good, and in addition to creating prints and greetings cards, I am now branching out into printing my own fabric to then sew up into fantastic creations that encourage multi-use. Having traded at local events such as Pexmas, Made In Camberwell and Crafty Fox Market, my aim is to encourage people to buy small and handmade, thinking about the story behind what they buy and supporting local artists.