Camilla Gray


Lowden Road, SE24. Advance booking essential by emailing / Opening hours: 19th – 27th June

Camilla Gray paintings1-min.jpeg

Artist Statement

Camilla Gray’s paintings offer a quiet space for escape and contemplation. The slow process of painting gives a depth and richness that draws the viewer in. She explores light and mood in nature.

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More about the artist

I make sketches in watercolour and use these in the studio as a starting point for oil paintings.  I explore strong light and mood in quiet, dreamlike spaces.  When I lived in Glasgow for 4 years, I explored the west coast of Scotland and soon started to paint the landscape and study the northern light.  I’ve been developing my practice ever since.  I am half Danish and feel my heritage strongly.  I am influenced by Nordic art and explore Scandinavia whenever possible.

I currently live and work in SE London.  I studied painting at Glasgow School of Art (BA Hons) and conservation of paintings at the Courtauld Institute of Art (Postgraduate diploma). As well as exhibiting in different venues, for many years I have opened my studio & home for the Dulwich Festival artist’s open house and Lambeth Open.


Artist’s CV

2020 Virtual Dulwich Festival artist open house

2020 Southwark park galleries virtual open

2020 SLWA at St. Marylebone Church, London, Equinox

2020 Brixton blog & bugle virtual show

Available for Commissions

Camberwell Arts

The UK's oldest visual arts festival taking place in June each year. Founded 1994


Sarah Munday


Peter Cooke